The presentation of the winning projects of the call for applications by Art+Text Budapest and the The Studio of Young Artists’ Association in the framework of the exhibition FKSE+ 2019.
9 - 17 May 2019
Judit Lilla Molnár + TRAIN YOURSELF
Judit Lilla Molnár (1991) is motivated by effects filtered down from the surrounding world, for the processing of which she uses art. When it comes to societal systems, she is mostly interested in the challenges faced by the individual, especially problems concerning her own generation and stemming from existential status. Play is a crucial symbol of her cast of thought, in imagery as well as on a logical, structural level.
In her current works she is preoccupied by the individual's struggle and resistence against societal integration, as well as the tension arising from that situation.
Gideon Horváth + CONTROL ISSUES
The defining basis of the work of Gideon Horváth (1990) is a point of view characterised by ecological commitment. Xtro realm, organised in collaboration with Anna Zilahi and Rita Süveges, reflects this objective too. In the framework of the project several reading circles, exhibitions, field trips and other programmes have been realised so far, all of which were thematising post-anthropocene theories under the aegis of transdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing. The installation shown at Art+Text Budapest forms the first part of a thematic exhibition series that will be realised in the following months.
The current exhibition of István Felsmann (1984) reaches back to two antecedents, shows titled "ACIO Daktyliotheka" ('Pince') and "To Extend the Future Completely" (Studio of Young Artists), and takes featured ideas forward. In the previous exhibitions Felsmann was reflecting on other artists' works by attempting to put them on the spot through small interventions.
Since abstract art is close to his heart, this time his attention was turned to new abstraction and its artists. For him the difficulty of committing towards an artistic direction or attitude is realised as a contstant artistic dilemma. For an artist it is not easy to choose, since there is huge responsiblity both towards himself and with regards to shaping the collective consciousness.
Special thanks to the Studio of Young Artists Association!