György Stalter
(b. 1956)
Stalter György is a subjective documentary photographer who began taking photos during his student years at the Franciscan school in Esztergom. After completing his high school education, he obtained a vocational certificate in photography and worked as a photojournalist in the press. Starting in 1990, he worked as a freelance photographer. In 1995, he established his own photography studio and, in collaboration with Gábor Kerekes, taught photography for more than 20 years under the title "Art and Craft."
Together with his wife, Horváth M. Judit, he spent years photographing Gypsy settlements in Hungary and urban areas in Budapest that were evolving into ghetto-like neighborhoods. Their joint work led to the creation of the photo album "Más Világ" (Another World) in 1998, and the material was exhibited in various locations in Hungary, Europe and the USA.
For many years, he captured the vanishing microcosm of the eighth district of Budapest. In 2006, he won the Budapest Photography Grant from the Pro Urbis Foundation for his "Jó...Józsefváros" series in the MÚOSZ Press Photo competition. This project resulted in the publication of the book "Város a városban" (City within the City) in 2010. In 2011, he received the Moholy-Nagy Grant, allowing him to photograph the diverse Berlin-Neukölln district for three months. His photo album "Régi/Új képek" (Old/New Images) was published in 2019.
Stalter György has exhibited his work in numerous solo and group exhibitions, both in Hungary and abroad. He is a recipient of the Balogh Rudolf Award and a member of the Hungarian Association of Photographers.
2012 FUGA Budapesti Építészeti Központ
2012 Neukölln/Józsefváros - Budapest/Berlin 2007-2011
2011 Neukölln/Nyolcker Collegium Hungaricum Berlin
2010 Más Világ, Bukarest
2007 Más Világ San Sperate – Sardinia, Italy
2007 Más Világ Bielsko Biala – Poland
2007 Józsefváros Anzix - Mai Manó Galéria, Budapest
2004 Kópia Fotógaléria, Budapest
2002 India, Vista Galéria, Budapest
2001 Another World - Vienna, Austria / Kaunas, Lithuania
/ Helsinki, Finland
2001 Regards Hongrois Paris, Paris, France
2000 Another World - Vígadó Galéria, Budapest
1980 Light Yard, 18 Népköztársaság útja, Budapest
1979 Community and Sports Centre, Szombathely, Hungary
1977 Young Artists' Club, Budapest
2023 Summer Wine - Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Budapest
2013 Analóg 21 magyar fotográfus a 20. századból, KOGART, Budapest
2012 Faust II., Budapest Galéria, Budapest
2012 Polaroid 65 Kecskemét/Esztergom/Budapest Kolta Galéria
2011 EYEWITNESS Royal Academy of Arts London, London, UK
2011 Budapest Pozitív, Mai Manó Ház, Budapest
2010 Forte Vác, Art Bázis, Vác, Hungary
2010 +Műhely, Budapest
2008 Die Vergessenen Europeaer, Köln Városi Múzeum, Cologne, Germany
2007 Other World San Sperate, Sardinia, Italy
2006 Dog's World Mai Manó Gallery, Budapest
2006 Selected Photos, Budapest Gallery, Budapest
2001 Regards Hongrois, Paris, France
1999 Sarah Mortland Gallery and the Hungarian Consulate,
New York, USA
1994 Press Photo Museum of Etnography, Budapest
1993 "The world is a ladder" Museum of Etnography, Budapest
1987 Hungarian Photography '87, Műcsarnok, Budapest
1982 Second, Young Photographer's Studio Exhibition, Hungarian
National Gallery, Budapest