– Balázs Czeizel –
On view: 18 January - 25 January 2019
Tuesday to Friday 2pm - 6pm
Art+Text Budapest is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Balázs Czeizel, which shows a series of works executed in recent years as part of the artist's doctoral research for his DLA degree at the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest.
"The starting point of the interaction of light and photosensitivity is the photogram, literally “light drawing”. Creating a photogram means using simple tools and methods to examine, develop and analyse the laws of reality. Photogram is a path to unbiased knowledge about the world, the process of its creation can confirm or utterly destabilise pre-existing traditions, but it can also become the radical embodiment of new and unknown events or means of expressions. Photogram is a universal artistic tool and aesthetic strategy: it is the simplicity and strongly reductive nature of the practice that renders it capable of making language-adjacent statements in a sphere that for the most part disallows language.
In the course of my work, I progressed from analogue photogram to digital photogram, which I create with scanners. Similar to analog photogram experiments, unknown phenomena of the digital photogram can be “enlightened” here."
Balázs Czeizel, translated by Ilona Kappanyos