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Szőnyei György
(b. 1951)

György Sőnyei started his studies at the School of Store Window Display Designer and Decorator School, and later he graduated from the Hungarian College of Applied Arts in 1978, in applied graphics. He has been an exhibiting artist since 1979 and lives and works in Budapest.


2023   Négyzetek, Műcsarnok, Budapest                                                      2023   „Stories in black”, Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Budapest

2013   „Kövesd a szemeddel”, Izraelian Cultural Institute, Budapest

2010   Jungle, Prestige Galéria, Budapest

2007   GUITARS, Színhely Gallery, Budapest

2004   „Gitárszerzemények”, Dorottya Gallery, Budapest

1998   Collector of Collections, SE Studio Gallery, Budapest

1997   Drops, Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Hungary 

1993   Fészek Gallery, Budapest, Hungary 

1994   Drops, No. 5 Gallery, Budapest

1991   Gutenberg Cultural Centre, Budapest

1990   Galerie Calumet, Heidelberg

1986   Fractions, Stúdió Gallery, Budapest

1984   Sex unter Wasser, Fiatal Művészek Klubja, Budapest

1988   Pince Gallery, Budapest, Hungary 

1987   Lágymányosi Community House, Budapest

1986   Details, Studio Gallery, Budapest

1984   Sex Unter Wasser, Club of Young Artists, Budapest


2023   Summer Wine - Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Budapest

2021   Symmetry with Counterpoints - Paintings from the Second Half of            the '80s and the Early' 90s, Knoll Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2021   TypoHungary - Typography in Hungary in the 21st century, Deák              Palta (Fashion Street Gallery), Budapest, Hungary

2020   Art Market Budapest, Einspach Fine Art & Photography,                            Budapest, Hungary

2019   Bauhaus 100 Exhibitions: Hungarian Cultural Institute Paris,                      FUGA - Budapest Architectural Center, Pécs Gallery

2019   Paris Photo, Grand Palais, Paris, France

2019   Chapter I., Art + Text Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

2018   Only for Adults, Exhibition of the Typoszalon Széphárom                          Community Space, Budapest, Hungary

2017   Dolce Geo, Art + Text Budapest, Budapest, Hungary 

2017   30x30, Excerpt from the Hungarian Fine Arts of the Turn of the                Millennium 1985-2015, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

2017   Op art / Hommage at Vasarely, Hungarian House, Paris, France

2017   Vienna Contemporary, Vienna, Austria

2016   Studio 58-89, Budapest Gallery, Budapest Hungary​

2016   Op art Hommage á Vasarely, Pécsi Gallery, Hungary​

2016   Initial, Eötvös Loránd University, University Library, Budapest,                  Hungary

2015   MET 20, Association of Hungarian Painters , Budapest,   


2015   Illuminations, Műcsarnok, Budapest, Hungary

2015   Architectural Graphics, Digital Prints, Exhibition of the Typoszalon,            Viziváros Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2015   Architectural Graphics, Digital Prints, Marcibányi Cultural Center,              Budapest, Hungary

2015   The White, First Hungarian Spectacle Library, Tapolca-Diszel,                  Hungary

2015   MET 20, Society of Hungarian Painters, Széphárom Community              Space, Budapest, Hungary

2015   Betűkép, Nick Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

2014   LITERATURE, Exhibition of the Typoszalon, Petőfi Literary                        Museum, Budapest, Hungary

2014   The Book Man: György Haimann 1914-2014 100, Memorial                      Exhibition, Petőfi Literary Museum, Budapest, Hungary

2014   Labyrinth by Maoe, Művészetmalom, Szentendre, Hungary

2014   SIGN-SIGNAL, Society of Hungarian Painters, Mazart Gallery,                  Budapest, Hungary

2013   MUSIC, Exhibition of the Typoszalon, Viziváros Gallery, Budapest,            Hungary

2013   New Collages, Marczibányi Cultural House, Budapest, Hungary

2013   ​Fraction, Fuga, Budapest, Hungary 

2013   Immersion in Budapest, New Budapest Gallery (opening                          exhibition at the Whale), Budapest, Hungary

2012   (TR!END) of Print, Széchenyi Library, Budapest, Hungary

2012   New Collages, Vizivárosi Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2012   „White”, Bejárat Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

2011   DeKOR 2,  Reöck House , Szeged, Hungary

2010   Gyorsuló idő, Prestige Galéria, Budapest

2010   Black Pictures 2., Palme House, Budapest, Hungary

2009   The Renaissance of the Letter, Exhibition of the MATT Company,              Gödör Club Budapest, Hungary

2009   „Between”, Hungarian Post-Geometric Art III. Viziváros Gallery, 

           Budapest, Hungary

2007   Hungarian Design Award 2007, Museum of Applied Arts,                          Budapest, Hungary

2007   Kassák 120, Kassák Museu, Budapest, Hungary

2007   Collection in the focus, Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary

2006   Dublin # 8 Bloomsday, Typographic Exhibition Szombathely                      Gallery, Szombathely, Hungary

2006   Mail, Exhibition of the Typoszalon, Arany 10. Cultural Centre,                    Budapest, Hungary

2005   Journey, Exhibition of the Typoszalon, Kapás Street Gallery,                      Budapest, Hungary

2005   Salon Kogart 2005, Kogart House, Budapest, Hungary

2004   Journey, Collegium Hungaricum Vienna, Austria

2004   Silenced Holocaust, Art Gallery, Budapest

2003   Contemporary Hungarian Illustrations, Hungarian Cultural Institute            Stuttgart, Germany

2002   Hungarian Illustrated Books and Illustrations, Bologna                              International Children's Book Fair, Bologna, Italy

2002   “Trakta”, Exhibition of Typographers, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest,                Hungary

2002   Kogart Salon 2004, Contemporary Art Fair, KOGART House,                    Budapest, Hungary

2000   Intuition, Innovation, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

2000   Sculpture from here and beyond, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

2000   XX. National Graphic Biennale, City Art Museum, Miskolc,                        Hungary

2000   Contemporary Hungarian Illustrators, Hungarian Cultural Institute,            Bratislava, Slovakia

1998   Trafik, Linz-Peuerbach, and Eisenstadt, Austria

1998   Kitsch and Cult, Sándor Palace, Budapest, Hungary

1998   Exhibition of Hungarian illustrators, Frankfurt, Germany

1998   IX. National Drawing Biennale, History Museum of Nógrád,                      Salgótarján, Hungary

1998   Oil / Canvas, Bucharest, Romania

1998   Oil / Canvas, Mestna Gallery, Lubljana, Slovenia

1998   Oil / Canvas, Milano, Italy

1997   Diaspora (and) Art, Hungarian Jewish Museum, Budapest,                        Hungary

1997   Trafik, Szombathely Gallery, Szombathely, Hungary

1997   Trafik, Moravska Galerie, Brno, Slovakia

1997   Trafik, Burgerlandische Landesgalerie, Austria

1997   Oil / Canvas, Art Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1997   Hommage à Gémes Péter, Dovin Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1997   Situation II., Műcsarnok, Budapest, Hungary

1995   Situation / Hungarian Sculpture, Műcsarnok, Budapest, Hungary

1995   Contemporary Hungarian graphics from the Albertina collection,                Budapest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1995   Testimonies about the line, exhibition of the Association of                        Hungarian Graphic Artists, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1994   Formatted, Lajos Kassák Museum, Budapest, Hungary

1994   Prints, Nest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1994   Fine Arts of the 80s, Ernst Museum, Budapest, Hungary

1992   The Stranger is Beautiful, Barcsay Hall, Budapest, Hungary

1993   Summer Prints, Fészek Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1993   Formed (ART MADI), Műcsarnok, Győr, Hungary

1991   Metaphor, Pécs Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1991   Hommage à Kandinszkij, Nest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1991   Position of the Hungarian Arts Council, Munich, Germany

1991   Flag, Nest Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1991   Metaphora, Kenneshaw State College, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

1990   Art Coal Budapest, Künstlerhaus, Salzburg, Austria

1990   Post Geometry, G. Gerulata, Bratislava, Slovakia

1990   Contemporary Hungarian Art, Zacheta, Warsaw, Poland

1990   International Painting Festival, Chateau Grimaldi, Cagnes-sur-                  Mer, France

1989   Budapest Belvedere, Kampfnagel Fabrik, Hamburg, Germany

1989   T.É.R., Pécs Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1988   Young Hungarian Artists, Studio Exhibition, Warsaw, Krakow,                    Poland

1988   New Sensitivity, House of Hungarian Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria

1988   Architecture, French Institute, Budapest, Hungary

1988   1st International Sample Triennial, Műcsarnok, Budapest,                          Hungary

1988   50 × 70, Fészek Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1988   IV. National Drawing Biennale, Sándor Nógrádi, Museum,                        Salgótarján, Hungary

1987   Neue Sensibilität, Hungarian Government of the 80th century,                  Galerie der Stadt, Esslingen, Germany

1987   Neue Sensibilität, Ungarische Malerei der 80-er Jahre, Dortmund,            Germany

1987   Post Geometry, Nest Club, Budapest, Hungary

1987   New Sensitivity IV., Pécs Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1987   New Painting, House of Hungarian Culture, Berlin, Germany

1987   Domus Aurea, Fészek Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1987   Pyramid, Zichy Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1987   Holiday, Vigadó Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1986   Eclecticism '85, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1985   Cellar Exhibition, Cellar Gallery (with Dezső Kiss and György                    Szabó), Budapest, Hungary

1985   Studio '85, Ernst Museum, Budapest, Hungary

1985   Natura, Pécs Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1985   New Sensitivity III., Budapest Gallery Lajos u., Budapest, Hungary

1984   Material, Fényes Adolf Hall, Budapest, Hungary

1984   Studio '84, Budapest International Fair, Budapest, Hungary

1983   Contemporary Hungarian graphics and drawing, Hungarian                      National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary

1983   Studio '83, Ernst Museum, Budapest, Hungary

1983   Meeting of Young Artists, Budapest Sports Hall, Budapest,                        Hungary

1983   Avant-garde dies, Bercsényi College, Budapest, Hungary

1982   Transformation, Young Artists Club, Budapest, Hungary

1982   Studio '82, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Hungary

1979   Drawing, Pécs Gallery, Pécs, Hungary

1979   Textile without Textile, Club of Young Artists, Budapest, Hungary


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